Ahh, autumn. What a beautiful time of year. The leaves turn a multitude of fiery colours, the nights start drawing in, fireworks light up the inky sky and everybody slowly begins descending into a cheery, festive mood. Well, I suppose it depends on your perspective. Whilst some of us silently celebrate the fact that we now have an excuse to stay at home whenever possible, others grit their teeth and daydream about warmer days and vitamin D. Don't get me wrong - on a rainy, dark day I can't help wistfully thinking back to being on holiday and carousing with friends underneath the summer sunshine, ice cold drinks in our hands and legs smooth and bare. But autumn is my favourite time of year, and there are a few reasons why. I love the idea of progression and natural cycles. I feel like autumn is the perfect time to witness the beauty of nature and how change is necessary - in the environment, but also in our lives. Autumn gently guides us towards the end of the calendar year, and I'm a sucker for new beginnings and fresh starts. I know it's possible to make a change at any point in your life but the new year is a nice turning point which helps me to reflect on what has been happening and what's to come, what I'm thankful for and why I should be positive.

There are places in the world that only have one or two seasons but I'm thankful that here in the UK we have four, because I like the idea of progression. It's also just cold enough to start layering up, and I love layering up - sometimes in summer I get really bored because I'm in shorts and a t-shirt practically all the time (weather permitting of course! The UK may have distinct seasons but everyone knows how unpredictable it can be.) There's nothing better than coming home after a long day, putting on some comfy clothes, whipping up a hot chocolate and planting yourself in front of a really good TV programme or in front of a seriously good book. You learn to appreciate the good weather and the presence of the sun and the company of others. The Christmas period marks the turning of autumn to winter, and for me there isn't a happier time than Christmas. So that's why I love autumn and why the harsher elements won't stop me from celebrating nature, celebrating life and celebrating love.